Welcome to Professional Mattress Cleaning Service Malaysia
Do you know that in average, we spend about 8 hours of our time on the bed? During this time, we are actually sharing our bed with house mites (remember that the cleanness of your mattress, sofa and even house has nothing to do with their presence). These parasite can caused a lot of harm to you from an allergic perspective.
As a professional cleaning service provider in Klang Valley, we help you to clean your mattress, sofa, carpet or curtain using 100% dry and chemical free cleaning technology to extract the dust mites, dead skins, allergens, dust and dirt out from it. Beside that we also provide (human or pet) urine odor removal treatment, tough stain removal treatment, leather cleaning, polishing and waxing, etc. Please click “HERE“ to find out more about our a range of our specialized services which highly sought after in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.

Why Choose Us?
This is where Professional Mattress Cleaning Service Malaysia comes into the picture. Whether you are moving in to a new house, cleaning up for a new rental, doing a post-renovation cleaning, your pet is having accidents (I know if can be very frustrating dealing with pet stains and urine smell!) or simply need a thorough deep and dry cleaning for a cleaner and healthier home, then please have it professionally cleaned by us! Don’t just take our word for it, hear it from hundred of our satisfied customers in Klang Valley.
How Come Mites Choose You As Their Host?
To What Part Of The Mites Are people Allergic?
People are allergic to the mite fecal pallet. A single mite will produce some 200 times in weight in these potent, highly allergenic fecal pellets during its four weeks lifetime cycle. One expelled, the pellets break down, incorporate into the dust of your house and become airborne when the carpet, bedding, furniture and so on are disturbed.
Microscopic in size, these particles are easily inhaled into the nose and lungs, where they trigger allergy symptoms, especially to your children at home. The density of the live mite population in your home determines the degree of problem you will have with mite fecal particles.
Now Imagine Your Child Sleeps On Their Stomach, Head To One Side And They Are Breathing In All These Dust / Dust Mites Allergens. Aren’t These Adding To Their Breathing Problems?
Yes! Believe it or not, your child sleep position now does more harm than good because he or she is going to breathe in microscopic dust and dust mites allergens that could potentially trigger asthma or breathing disorder. I know this breathing problem is hard to believe, but read till the end…

Other Possible Signs, Symptoms & Complications Of Dust Mite Allergy…
If you are allergy to house dust mite, it can lead to serious complications such as sinus infection, breathing problem, chest pain, trouble sleeping, itchy skin, red eyes, coughing nonstop and asthma, but in its severest form, the entire body can be affected with an excruciatingly itchy, inflamed rash. Continuous exposure to house dust mites & their droppings might now lead you to immediate medical treatment or emergency care later, for which treatment could be expensive to treat.

We only used the Rainbow Cleaning System to clean your mattress, sofa, carpet, and curtain the most natural way. Our mattress cleaning services are 100% DRY, CHEMICALS FREE and proven to remove and KILL THE DUST MITES because we know that your health is “PRICELESS.”
At Mattress Cleaning Service Malaysia, we are constantly getting “GREAT ratings” and “POSITIVE reviews” from our customers powered by Google
These means we strive to deliver the highest quality customer service of all time to exceed our customer expectations. If you would like to get in touch with us for a cleaning service, you can give us a call, email, live chat or WhatsApp to our support or sales team.

Our comprehensive cleaning services is a key part of improving the health services for your whole family
Therefore, please visit the product pages on our website for the most up-to-date product information by clicking the “VIEW MORE” bottom below:
Pricing Guide For Mattress Cleaning (Deep & Dry Cleaning)
Single Bed
- Single Bed Cleaning
Queen Bed
- Queen Bed Cleaning
King Bed
- King Bed Cleaning
Dust Mites Spray
- Anti-dust mites spray
Pillow / Bolster
- Pillow / Bolster Cleaning
P.S.: We are very fussy on hygiene. All our equipment and cleaning tools are cleaned immediately after every use in our office. We used “DECON 90” laboratory-grade surface active cleaning agent and “UV-C Light” to clean and disinfect our cleaning tools from dust mites, antigens and germs (bacteria & virus). This help us to maintain the highest standard of cleanliness of our equipment & tools mainly to prevent cross contamination of harmful bacteria or spreading of disease from one person to another.
Please call/text us today at +60125881469 to get a good night’s sleep
The Rainbow Cleaning System has been independently tested and certified by the following organizations in the USA: